Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pressure is a Privilege

One of my favorite quotes is a simple one about life. By Robert Frost-

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."


And then in four words I can sum up everything I have learned about running:

 I'll always want more.

If you step aside from the crazy part of that statement, the wanting of more pain and suffering, you might be able to see what makes running great. I can always seem to find one step more, another breath in, and another wonderful place to run just when I think I have seen it all. Being the smart girl I try to think I am, I then conclude that I should always want more.

Logic- if there will always be one more step, one more breath, and one more beautiful place, then I should want to take advantage of that.

And with that I take a large leap back into reality.

Most of the topics I have talked about lately have been a tad bit out there. Welcome to the places that running takes you. Or the places you have to go in order to keep running. Depending on the day it could be one or both...

And, it so happens, when I don't race I go slightly crazy. College kept that in check because I was almost always getting ready for some kind of race. Now, I am out of shape, scared to race, and always working. The races are much fewer but I bet that means they will mean more when I get to them. The goal is to do one soon, but also to do one when I am ready. I have the time to wait until I have gotten good training in now. The key is to not go crazy on the pathway to those races. 

The one I have in mind is actually one I can do with Sherlock :)
The Ain't Nothin' But A Hound Dog Jog and the web page is here.
It benefits the Animal Defense League of Texas and that is where we adopted Sherlock from! It looks like it is in early March and you can run with your puppy! We are looking forward to getting my first mile of the season there and Sherlock's first race ever!

So for those of you who have the privilege of racing a lot, remember it is something you are lucky to do. The pressure is part of that and I miss it. The pressure is a privilege.

Final thought :)
The goal in life is to have the right type of stress....
(Derick and I are watching the National Geographic "Portraits of a Killer: Stress" tonight)

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