Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Since my butt is currently out of commission, my runs have taken on a different sort of stride. Shuffling is getting me back on the road, and helping to keep me sane.
Meanwhile, I have some major work to do.

Since I work in shoe retail, I feel the need to remind you that
this is not an actually legit return reason!

So this is how we think (Airrosti and I) it all went down. Being the dedicated runner I am, I spend 98% of my time pounding the pavement. I figured if I didn't have much time, I better get in all the miles I could in order to get better.
It worked until I cheated on the saggital plane.

Jon's Run was such a blast and I almost had too much fun racing. Even though I had not put on my flats yet this year, I figured I would be fine racing. My second mistake was not checking out the course before hand. It was curvy, loopy, and not a track.This meant I was working muslces that didn't exist in my butt because I only move my legs in a running motion. I overstrided a bit trying to go fast and ended the race with a tweaked hamstring. Not that big a deal if you have strong butt muscles...
My worst and third mistake was still running after all of this and not letting my wimpy muscles rest. And finally, I didn't strengthen anything. I was so happy with the way I was running I figured if I was doing something wrong it would show up and I could just do some core again. 

60 days of running with no rest days led me to the office of Dr.DeRoche.
It was time to work the muscles that didn't exist in my little straight world.
While I was excited to get some exercises to work on butt strength, it really hit me that I am terribly behind in the derriere department. (Puns intended?) I can't even complete the myrtl routine with out pain. So Airrosti helped me take a large step backwards and work on progressing towards those exercises that looked so simple and easy. If you are a runner and have a moment, look it up and try it (to avoid a depressingly weak booty like mine) I can't stabilize my hips the correct way yet so I use a Physio Ball under them so I can actually start engaging my muscles the right way. This isn't the only routine I am starting but its the easiest way I can describe how far I have to go.

While my first steps with a new caboose are short and shuffley, they will hopefully be leading towards a habit. A good habit. One where I have a powerhouse pushing this little old train. A habit of stepping outside my little running box and exploring the wonderful world of athletics! Just don't count on seeing me play basketball, tennis, softball, lacrosse, volleyball, frisbee (unless the pup really wants to), ice skating, water skiing, rock climbing, football, and all those scary sports. Wait... what else is there?

Oh right, running.

Here's to hoping I can make running and body building work?
Well, the type of shuffling a runner can do. Plus, I am learning that if life doesn't give you time to do the things you want/need to do, you have to make time. So until I figure this out, my sleep is taking the brunt of the burden with the promise of a better future. Temporary. Until my good habits survive the 21 day challenge. If it can help me stop biting my nails in the 3rd grade, it will for sure help me now.

At least I can still smile while I shuffle.

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